Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane PT PROFILTER INDONESIA Hubungi 081385066789 Pastikan produk yang anda dapatkan adalah asli dari PFI Watermaker dengan price harga dan kualitas terbaik


Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

Kami adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane terlengkap menyediakan berbagai solusi kebutuhan spare part filter untuk keperluan industri dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.

Air bersih adalah kebutuhan utama bagi kehidupan sehari-hari, baik untuk keperluan konsumsi, industri, maupun pertanian. Di tengah meningkatnya polusi dan keterbatasan sumber air tawar, teknologi Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane menjadi solusi yang semakin populer untuk pemurnian air. Teknologi ini mampu menyaring kontaminan hingga tingkat mikroskopis, menghasilkan air yang murni dan layak konsumsi.


Overview Pure Water RO Membrane

Pure Water Spiral Wound Veolia RO Membranes

High performance elements delivering differentiated value in water and wastewater treatment

Spiral wound membrane elements offer solutions for drinking water, boiler feedwater, seawater desalination, wastewater and water reuse. Our featured H Series BWRO membrane elements have been designed to address the growing market focus on high quality permeates, system cost of ownership and water reuse policies and regulations that have resulted in more challenging RO feeds.

Veolia has a wide range of membranes for industrial application meeting all of your fluid stream needs.

This range s ultrafiltration (UF) for applications such surface water pre-filtration, TOC/color removal, nanofiltration (NF) for salt separation, dye removal / concentration or metals recovery and reverse osmosis (RO) for water recovery, brine concentration, & process stream concentration.

Not only does Veolia offer a wide spectrum of membranes, but these are also available in a diversity of configurations to meet your key fluid characteristics (temperature, viscosity, solid content) as well as the specific process ments pressure and sanitation.


High Performance Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

H Series BWRO membrane elements delivering differentiated value in drinking and wastewater treatment

Veolia H Series BWRO membrane elements have been designed to address the growing market focus on high quality permeates, system cost of ownership and water reuse policies and regulations that have resulted in more challenging RO feeds.

High Rejection Performance:

  • Tighter rejection range for all elements in the series delivers highest quality permeate for critical applications.
  • Results in longer life, less maintenance, and lower operating costs for downstream equipment, such as EDI, resin, or high-pressure boilers.

Low Energy Performance:

  • Low energy/high rejection elements (AK H & AG LE H) provide a solution for balancing the need for low permeate TDS and the need to reduce energy consumption.
  • Optimizes 2nd pass RO to achieve lowest TDS in the permeate and lowest costs associated with energy consumption.

Fouling Resistant Performance:

  • Fouling resistant elements that maintain rejection and pressure performance in the presence of high TDS and high BOD/COD.
  • Results in long lasting element with sustained performance in challenging applications.


Pure Water RO Membrane we have

Spiral wound membrane elements offer solutions for drinking water, boiler feedwater, seawater desalination, wastewater and water reuse.


AG elements Premium Series 3150329 AG-400 H
3150328 AG-440 H
3194885 AG-90 H
Standard Series 3032518 AG8040F-400
3194307 AG8040F-440
3032513 AG4040FM
AK elements Premium Series 3150326 AK-400 H
3150327 AK-440 H
3194886 AK-90 H
Standard Series 3039161 AK8040F-400
3194308 AK8040F-440
3039082 AK4040FM
AG FR elements Premium Series 3187651 AG-400 FR H
Standard Series 3136931 AG8040F-400 FR,34
3154063 AG4040FM FR,34
AG LE elements Premium Series 3187569 AG-400 LE H
3187650 AG-440 LE H
Standard Series 3160987 AG8040F-400 LE
3194309 AG8040F-440 LE
Softening NF 1207240 HL8040F-400
1207236 HL4040FM
SWRO elements 3154588 AC-400,34
3157144 AC-440
3056654 AD-400, 34
3056655 AD-440
3056651 AD-90
3056662 AE-400, 34
3056663 AE-440
3056660 AE-90


Pure Water Membranes Elements

Complete offering of elements to serve all applications:

  • Seawater RO
  • Brackish Water RO
  • Low Energy
  • Ultra Low Energy
  • Low Fouling/Fouling Resistant


Features :

  • Smooth membrane surface minimizes fouling/reduces cleaning frequency
  • Fouling Resistant (FR) construction available to further extend service life
  • NSF certifications & FDA declarations for drinking water and food compliance
  • Robust packaging & preservation process to extend shelf life

Informasi lengkap tentang produk dan penawaran harga Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane silahkan hubungi kami.


Alamat kontak


Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Phone : +6221 84937329 , 84937805 , 22962668

WhatsApp : +62 812-9634-0505

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